In an effort to assist students, IST developed a network of University Halls of Residence, amongst which is the ‘Eng. Duarte Pacheco’ Halls of Residence stands out, the characteristics of location and functionality of which constitutes an excellent housing alternative.
The ‘Eng. Duarte Pacheco’ Halls of Residence is situated to the northeast of Parque das Nações, on Avenida D. João II, and is undoubtedly the ideal housing option for University students from all over the country.
For more information about the Students’ Residence of Instituto Superior Técnico, namely applications, registrations, rules and regulations and notices, please contact them directly at:
Residência de Estudantes Eng.º Duarte Pacheco
Av. D. João II
1990-088 Lisboa Codex
Tel. +351-21 892 02 90
Fax. +351-21 892 02 92
Serviços de Administração e Acção Social da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (SAASUTL)
Rua Rodrigues Sampaio, 28-28 A
1150-280 LISBOA
Telefone: 213 178 500
Gabinete de Apoio ao Estudante do IST
Avenida Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa
Telefone: 21 8417251/ 21 8419155
Fax: 21 8419344
E-mail: gape@gape.ist.utl.pt