Where can I study Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering?
The undergraduate degree and the Master in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering are held at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, which is the only academic institution of this subject in the country. At the present, IST is the largest Engineering school in Portugal, being responsible for the education of an important part of the engineers of this country. It has a large educational capacity, research and development in multiple areas, that take place in 10 departments, responsible for about 20 undergraduate degrees.
Are the undergraduate degree and the master in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering certificated by the Engineers Association (Ordem dos Engenheiros)?
Yes. The Engineers Association professionally recognizes the degrees in engineering that are by accredited by the governmental agency A3ES. The undergraduate degree in naval architecture and ocean engineering was, since its beginning, recognized by the Engineers Association, which also happens now for the undergraduate degree and the Master in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, both allowing the direct entrance to the Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineers section of the Engineers Association (E1 and E2 qualification degrees).
Is the education in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering recognised internationally?
Yes. The Shanghai Ranking of the Universities Worldwide, which is the most respected Ranking due to its criteria of quality, has since 2017 ranked the University of Lisbon in second place in Europe and within the first six Universities worldwide in the area of Marine and Ocean Engineering.
Which is the minimum grade of entrance for the undergraduate degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering?
The minimum grades of entrance in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering are established by the IST:
- minimum grade of 100 in each of the access exam (national exams of high school),
- minimum grade of 120 in the application. After, and for each major of IST, the minimum grade of access depends of the number of vacancies and this was 160,3 for Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering in 2018/2019.
Where can I get more information about the access to the University?
If you want more information about registration, dates of exams and other relevant details for you to apply, see the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
How many years do I have to study to be a Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineer?
The study plan which allows you to be a Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineer without restrictions has the duration of 5 years and includes the undergraduate degree and the Master in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering.
Can I study abroad? And where?
Yes, it is possible to study abroad by the:
- European ERASMUS program,
- BEST program,
- double degree programs with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and University of São Paulo.
I am going to win a lot of money?
The professional activities in the Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering domain are, generally, remunerated in the level as other engineering specialities.
Can I design yachts, sailboats and leisure boats?
The given education in the master of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering is, generically, suitable for the design and construction of any vehicle or floating platform. The specificity of the design of sailboats can be developed in especially dedicated study projects.
Which are the opportunities for me in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering?
As a result of existing only one degree in this specialty in the country, the newly graduated students in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering have various proposals by the professional entities.
They can opt by working in a shipbuilding or ship repairyard, work for shipowners of maritime transport or fishery, in classification societies or in other companies of inspection or certification. It will also be possible to work in Consulting and Ship design, Inspection and Supervision of ships, seaport administration, port operation and even in insurance companies. There is also an important set of functions in state departments connected to sea activities and sea transportation and of the Industry and Energy which are particularly suitable to the Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineers.
The graduates from IST have also found, in recent years, great acceptance from several professional entities around Europe, due to high demand at European level.
As an alternative to these activities, the masters in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering can also choose an academic career as professors or researchers.
It is possible to do a doctor degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering?
Yes. To those who want to proceed with academic career or simply want a research degree that puts them in a better position in the employment market, the Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC) also allows to attend PhD programs or diplomas of advanced education at IST, often in collaboration with foreign universities of great reputation in this area.
How can I obtain more information related with the degrees in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering?
To obtain more information the interested should contact:
Instituto Superior Técnico
Secretariado do Centro de Engenharia e Tecnologia Naval e Oceânica, Pavilhão Central, 1st floor.
Telephone: +351218417607, Fax: +351218474015 or
e-mail: centec@centec.tecnico.ulisboa.pt