
Oliveira, A., Fonseca, N. and Guedes Soares, C. (2005) , “Design of a Modern Purse Seiner Fishing Vessel for the Portuguese Costal Sea”, Proceedings of the RINA Conference on Fishing Vessels, Fishing Technology and Fisheries, 13-14 April, Newcastle, U.K

The paper presents the design development of a new purse seiner fishing vessel built in composite materials. The vessel is 24m long and it is designed mainly for the catch of sardine in the west coast of Portugal. Near shore fishing in Portugal is a traditional activity, more or less restricted to small communities, where the knowledge is based on experience and transmitted through generations for many decades. The same culture is found in the design and building of the fishing vessels and in fact most of the existing fishing vessels are wooden manufactured, with old hull lines, and old general arrangements and layouts. The objective of the project, whose results are presented here, was to design a fishing vessel using the modern technologies and design procedures in order to improve the safety, the living and working conditions onboard and also to improve the earning capability of this type of ship

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