Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering
Centro de Engenharia e Tecnologia Naval e Oceânica
Site Map
Research & Development
- Executive Committee
- Scientific Council
- Advisory Committee
- Support Team
R&D Groups
- Environment
- Hydrodynamics
- Structures
- Safety
Strategic Plan
- Renewable Energies
- Climate Change
- Energy Efficiency
- Logistics
R&D Projects
- Books
- Papers
- Journals
R&D Projects
FCT - PhD Scholarship
FCT - Postdoctoral scholarship
In the European Research Area, A Thematic Network for the Shipbuilding Technology Applied Research (ERASTAR)
Coordinated Academic Research and Education to Support Innovation in European Marine Industries (CAREMAR)
Envelope Network for Synergy in Research and Development Activities for the Maritime Industry (ERAMAR)
Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
Group of Marine Environment
R&D Projects
Assessment of wave energy resource in the European and Mediterranean coastal zones using high-resolution altimetry products (WAPOSAL)
Assessment of renewable wave energy resources in the coastal zone using high-resolution altimetry products (OCRE)
Operational Wave Forecast using Artificial Intelligence (WAVEFAI)
Extreme wind and wave modeling and statistics in the Atlantic Ocean (EXWAV)
Climate change impacts on the Marine Environment of the North Atlantic (CLIMENA)
Autonomous Observing Systems for Fishing Vessels (OBSERVA.FISH)
Present and future marine climate in the Iberian coast (CLIBECO)
Hydro-Environmental Modelling of Multi-Purpose Marine Renewable Energy Platform (MAREN 2)
WAve predictions in the Nearshore with Data Assimilation (WANDA)
Design for Ship Safety in Extreme Seas (EXTREME SEAS)
Marine Renewable - Energy Extraction and Hydro-environmental Aspects (MAREN)
Development of a Real-Time Nearshore Wave Prediction System for the Portuguese Ports (NEARPORT)
System to Forecast Wave Conditions in the Portuguese Ports (MARPORT)
Radar Monitoring of Sea-State at the Port of Sines (RADMONITOR)
Computer Systems to Manage Contingency Plans to Limit Marine Pollution (SIG-POLLUTION)
Freak Waves Generation on the Ocean (FREAK WAVES)
Simulation of the Fate of Hydrocarbon Spills in the Portuguese Coast (HYDROCARBONS)
Floater Loading by Waves (FLOW-JIP)
Safe Floating Offshore Structures under Impact Loading of Shipped Green Water and Waves (SAFE-FLOW)
Rogue-Waves - Forecast and Impact on Marine Structures (MAXWAVE)
Hindcast of Dynamic Processes of the Ocean and Coastal Areas of Europe (HIPOCAS)
Development of Offshore Aquaculture Technology for Hostile Environments (AQUAOFFTECH)
Radar Monitoring Network of the Sea State in the Coastal Waters of the Iberian Peninsula (RADSEANET)
Interaction of Waves and Currents (InterWave)
Interaction of Wave Spectra with Currents (InterWave Spectra)
Stochastic Modelling and Simulation of Sea Waves (STOCHASTIC)
Computer System to Evaluate the Environmental Impact of Polluting Maritime Accidents (POLLUTION)
Biofouling Reduction on Optical Systems (BROS)
Probabilistic Methodology for Coastal Site Investigation Based on Stochastic Modelling of Wave and Current (WAVEMOD)
Risks of Marine Pollution on Portuguese Coasts and Ports (Pollution Risks)
Wave Climate and Ship Behaviour in the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (WAVE CLIMATE)
Wave Modelling on the Portuguese Coast (POWAVES)
Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
Satellite Uses: A Common Course for Engineering and Sea-Conditions Studies (SUCCESS)
Development of Advanced Marine Technology (EUROMAR)
Directional Spectra of Ocean Waves (OCEAN WAVES)
Group of Marine Dynamics and Hydrodynamics
R&D Projects
Enhancing Shared Mooring SysteM Design for floating Offshore Wind Farms (ESOMOOR)
Novel eco-cementitious materials and components for durable, competitive, and bio-inspired offshore floating PV substructures (NATURSEA-PV)
Variable geometry Wave Energy Conversion system for floating platforms (WEC4MUP)
Dynamic behaviour analysis of a subsea manifold during installation (Manifolds)
Optimization of Semi-Submersible Platform hydrodynamic performance with adjustments on PTO damping and stiffness (MaRINET 2)
Safety system for manouvering and moored ships (Sistema de segurança para navios em manobras e amarras em portos (BlueSafePort)
Adaptation of a Concentric Array of Point Absorber Wave Energy Converters to a Semi-Submersible Platform (MaRINET 2)
Harbour protection with dual chamber oscillating water column devices (HARBOUR OWC)
Hydroelastic behaviour of horizontal flexible floating structures for applications to Floating Breakwaters and Wave Energy Conversions (HYDROELASTWEB)
Experimental simulation of oil-hydraulic Power Take-Off systems for Wave Energy Converters (HIL4PTO)
Simulation of manoeuvrability of ships in adverse weather conditions (NAVAD)
Ship Routing Accounting for Changeable Sea Conditions (ROUTING)
Adaptation and Implementation of Floating Wind Energy Conversion Technology for the Atlantic Region (ARCWIND)
Performance of combined wave and wind energy multi-use platform (MUP)
Elastic mooring systems for wave energy converters (ELASTMOOR)
Generic Hydraulic Power Take-Off System for Wave Energy Converters (GenPTO)
Optimizing Wave Energy Converters (OPWEC)
Manoeuvring & Moored Ships in Ports Physical and numerical modelling (M&M Ships)
Multi-Fidelity Decision making tools for Wave Energy SysTems (MIDWEST)
Generic hydraulic power take-off system for wave energy converters (MARINET)
Large Multipurpose Platforms for Exploiting Renewable Energy in Open Seas (PLENOSE)
Experimental and Numerical Study of Ship Responses in Waves
Operability and extreme loads on offshore floating wind turbines (FWT)
Towing dynamics of Ship in Harbour Areas (TOWING)
Hydrodynamic Analysis od Wave Energy Converters with Different Motion Characteristics (WAVE CONVERTERS
Design of Morring Systems for Floating Wave Energy Converters (MOORWEC)
QPP Scoping Study - Vessel Predictor Federate (VESSEL PREDICTOR)
Methodology for Ship Maneuvering Tests using Self-Propelles Models (Ensaios de Manobrabilidade)
Dynamics and Hydrodynamics of Ship in Approaching Fairways (CONFINED WATERS)
Virtual Reconstrution of a XVI Century Nau (NAU)
Analysis of the Hydrodynamics Behavious of berthing and moorinf structures. The Leixões Harbour Oil Terminal Case Study (DOLPHIN)
Decision Support System for the Safety of the Fishing Vessels Subjected to Waves (SADEP)
Dynamics of Floating Platforms and Shuttle Tanker during Offloading Operations (FNLG)
Mooring system design for two versions of a floating wave energy converter (MARTIFER)
Decision Support System for Ship Operation in Rough Weather (HANDLING WAVES)
Safe Offloading from Floating LNG Platforms (SAFEOFFLOAD)
Intelligent Simulator of Ship Manoeuvring (SIMULATOR)
Optimum Concept to Produce and Load with Underwater Storage (OCTOPLUS)
Simulation and Modelling of Active Ship Rolling Stabilisation (SHIP STABILITY)
Deck Wetness and Slamming in Severe Sea-States (SLAMMING)
Safe Floating Offshore Structures under Impact Loading of Shipped Green Water and Waves (SAFE-FLOW)
Rogue-Waves - Forecast and Impact on Marine Structures (MAXWAVE)
Manoeuvring Tests on a Catamaran Model (CATAMARAN)
First Principles Design for Damage Resistance against Capsize (NEREUS)
Advanced Method to Predict Wave Induced Loads for High Speed Ships (WAVELOADS)
Prediction of Ship Operationality Considering Wave Climate and Ship Behaviour (SEAKEEPING)
Identification and Simulation of Ship Manoeuvring Characteristics (MANOEUVRING)
Experimental Study of the Behaviour of Floating Production and Storage (FPSO) Vessels in Waves (FPSO in Waves)
Experimental Study on the Motions and Loads on Catamarans (CATAMARANS)
Experimental Study of Large Amplitude Motions of Containerships in Waves (Containerships in Waves)
Safe Passage and Navigation (SPAN)
Advanced Benefits for Logical VTS Equipment (COMFORTABLE)
Maritime Standardized Simulator Training Exercises Register (MASSTER)
Regional Traffic Information Service (RTIS)
Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
Static Equilibrium of Floating Bodies 2,3,4,5 (HYDROSTATICS)
Movements of Floating (PROPULSION)
Static Equilibrium of Floating Bodies 1 (HYDROSTATICS)
Concerted Action on VTMIS (VTMIS)
Principles of Propulsion of Sailing Vessels (SAIL)
Group of Marine Structures
R&D Projects
Maritime Work System Design (MARITIME)
Fatigue Damage of Hulls with Bow Flares Considering Slamming Loads (CSSRC)
Study of the behaviour of cork composites to impact (ARMORIN CORK)
Ship Lifecycle Software Solutions (SHIPLYS)
The context-aware and user-centric information distribution system for manufacturing (SENSE&REACT)
Materials Onboard – Steel Advancements and Integrated Composites (MOSAIC)
Risk-based Expert System for Through-Life Ship Structural Inspection and Maintenance New-Build Ship Structural Design (RISPECT)
Condition Assessment of Ageing Ship Structures (ABS)
European Framework for Safe, Efficient and Environmentally-Friendly Ship Operations (FLAGSHIP)
Effective Operation in Ports (EFFORTS)
Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention (ASDEPP)
Network of Excellence on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT)
Condition Assessment of Aging Ships for Real Time Structural Maintenance Decision (CAS)
In-Loc Id Com
Ship Repair to Maintain Transport which is Environmentally Sustainable (SHIPMATES)
Intelligent Supply Chain Management for the Enterprise (INTERMAR)
Tools and Routines to Assist Ports and Improve Shipping (TRAPIST)
Virtual Ship Model to Aid the Ship Damage Emergency Plans (VIRTUAL SHIP)
Life-Cycle Virtual Reality Ship System (VRSHIPS-ROPAX 2000)
Tools to Optimise High Speed Craft to Port Interface Concepts (TOHPIC)
Reliability Based Structural Design of FPSO Systems (REBASDO)
Crashworthy Side Structures for Improved Collision Damage Survivability of Coasters and Medium Size Ro Ro Cargo Ships (CRASHCOASTER)
High Tensile Steel 690 in Fast Ships Structures (FASDHTS)
Subsea Systems for Oil Production (CAPES)
Design of a Sardine Fishing Vessel for the 21st Century (FISHING VESSEL)
Maritime Virtual Enterprise Network (MARVIN)
Software Architectures for Ship Product Data Integration and Exchange (SEASPRITE)
Fatigue Based Design Rules for the Application of High Tensile Steels in Ships (FatHTS)
Stochastic Mechanics in Structures and Mechanical Engineering (STOCHASTIC)
Optimum Structural Design of Ship Made from Advanced Fibre Reinforced Plastic Materials (COMPOSITES)
Computer Graphic System for Ship Repair (Computer Graphics)
Measurement and Analysis of the Analysis of the Distortion of Ship Plates (Distorted Plates)
Reliability Methods for Ship Structural Design (SHIPREL)
Impact on Composite and Cellular Materials (IMPACT)
Composite Materials in Marine Structures and Components (COMAST)
Computer Aided Ship Design System (CAD-ENVC)
Probabilistic Based Design Rules for Ship Plates (PLATES)
Basis for the Development of Design Codes for Marine Structures (REGULATIONS)
Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
The European Maritime Virtual Institute (EVIMAR)
Wide Open Network for Development and Research in the Maritime Industry (WONDERMAR II)
Wide Open Network for Development and Research in the Maritime Industry (WONDERMAR I)
TransEuropean Information Dissemination on Maritime Industry Related ICT Projects (MarExpo)
Information Service for the European Small Boat Industry (NAUTIS)
Concerted Action on Short Sea Shipping (Short Sea Shipping)
Product Data Technology Advisory Group (PDTAG-AM)
Group of Safety and Logistics of Maritime Transportation
R&D Projects
International Master in Advanced Design of Sustainable Ships and Offshore Structures (EMSHIP)
Monitoring and surveillance of the maritime traffic in the coast of Portugal
Cementitious cork composites for improved thermal performance of pipelines for ultradeep waters (SUBSEAPIPE)
Evaluation of short sea shipping services integrated in supply chains (SHORTSEACHAIN)
Integrated system for traffic monitoring and maritime risk assessment (MoniRisk)
Reliability and Safety Engineering and Technology for large maritime engineering systems (RESET)
Subsea systems (SISTSUB)
Crew-centered Design and Operations of ships and ship systems (CYCLADES)
Advanced methods for reliability analysis of complex structures (ADAPTREL)
Coding, analysis and prevention of occupational accidents (CAPTAR)
Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention (ASDEPP)
Indicators of Occupational Health & Safety (OHS Conditions)
Design, Operation and Regulation for Safety (SAFEDOR)
Maritime Navigation and Information Services (MARNIS)
Safe Abandoning of Ships (Improvement of Current Life Saving Appliances Systems) (SAFECRAFTS)
Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures (SAFERELNET)
Probabilistic Rules-Based Optimal Design of Ro-Ro Passenger Ships (ROROPROB)
Technologies for Reduced Environment Impact for Ships (TRESHIP)
Casualty Analysis Methodology for Maritime Operations (CASMET)
Safety and Economic Assessment of Integrated Management of Multimodal Traffic in Ports (INTRASEAS)
Risk Analysis and Safety of Coal Supply System at Sines (EdP Risks)
Safety of Shipping in Coastal Waters (SAFECO)
Types of Work Accidents in Different Activities in Portugal (OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS)
Decision Support for Maintenance Management and Quality Control (Quality Control)
Optimized Fire Safety of Offshore Structures (OFSOS)
Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
The Resource Network facilitating QHSE Development for a Sustainable Energy Industry (TRENDS 2)
Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies (FLOODSITE)
The Resource Network facilitating QHSE Development for a Sustainable Energy Industry (TRENDS)
Floating Structures Technology Thematic Network (FLOATTECH)
Thematic Network on Maritime Safety (THEMES)
A Network on Process Safety (SAFETYNET)
Concerted Action on Formal Safety and Environmental Assessment (FSEA)
Concerted Action on Casualty Analysis Methodology (Casualty Analysis)