
R&D Projects
 • FCT - PhD Scholarship

 • FCT - Postdoctoral scholarship

 • In the European Research Area, A Thematic Network for the Shipbuilding Technology Applied Research (ERASTAR)

 • Coordinated Academic Research and Education to Support Innovation in European Marine Industries (CAREMAR)

 • Envelope Network for Synergy in Research and Development Activities for the Maritime Industry (ERAMAR)

Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions

Group of Marine Environment
R&D Projects
 • Assessment of wave energy resource in the European and Mediterranean coastal zones using high-resolution altimetry products (WAPOSAL)

 • Assessment of renewable wave energy resources in the coastal zone using high-resolution altimetry products (OCRE)

 • Operational Wave Forecast using Artificial Intelligence (WAVEFAI)

 • Extreme wind and wave modeling and statistics in the Atlantic Ocean (EXWAV)

 • Climate change impacts on the Marine Environment of the North Atlantic (CLIMENA)

 • Autonomous Observing Systems for Fishing Vessels (OBSERVA.FISH)

 • Present and future marine climate in the Iberian coast (CLIBECO)

 • Hydro-Environmental Modelling of Multi-Purpose Marine Renewable Energy Platform (MAREN 2)

 • WAve predictions in the Nearshore with Data Assimilation (WANDA)

 • Design for Ship Safety in Extreme Seas (EXTREME SEAS)

 • Marine Renewable - Energy Extraction and Hydro-environmental Aspects (MAREN)

 • Development of a Real-Time Nearshore Wave Prediction System for the Portuguese Ports (NEARPORT)

 • System to Forecast Wave Conditions in the Portuguese Ports (MARPORT)

 • Radar Monitoring of Sea-State at the Port of Sines (RADMONITOR)

 • Computer Systems to Manage Contingency Plans to Limit Marine Pollution (SIG-POLLUTION)

 • Freak Waves Generation on the Ocean (FREAK WAVES)

 • Simulation of the Fate of Hydrocarbon Spills in the Portuguese Coast (HYDROCARBONS)

 • Floater Loading by Waves (FLOW-JIP)

 • Safe Floating Offshore Structures under Impact Loading of Shipped Green Water and Waves (SAFE-FLOW)

 • Rogue-Waves - Forecast and Impact on Marine Structures (MAXWAVE)

 • Hindcast of Dynamic Processes of the Ocean and Coastal Areas of Europe (HIPOCAS)

 • Development of Offshore Aquaculture Technology for Hostile Environments (AQUAOFFTECH)

 • Radar Monitoring Network of the Sea State in the Coastal Waters of the Iberian Peninsula (RADSEANET)

 • Interaction of Waves and Currents (InterWave)

 • Interaction of Wave Spectra with Currents (InterWave Spectra)

 • Stochastic Modelling and Simulation of Sea Waves (STOCHASTIC)

 • Computer System to Evaluate the Environmental Impact of Polluting Maritime Accidents (POLLUTION)

 • Biofouling Reduction on Optical Systems (BROS)

 • Probabilistic Methodology for Coastal Site Investigation Based on Stochastic Modelling of Wave and Current (WAVEMOD)

 • Risks of Marine Pollution on Portuguese Coasts and Ports (Pollution Risks)

 • Wave Climate and Ship Behaviour in the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (WAVE CLIMATE)

 • Wave Modelling on the Portuguese Coast (POWAVES)

Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
 • Satellite Uses: A Common Course for Engineering and Sea-Conditions Studies (SUCCESS)

 • Development of Advanced Marine Technology (EUROMAR)

 • Directional Spectra of Ocean Waves (OCEAN WAVES)

Group of Marine Dynamics and Hydrodynamics
R&D Projects
 • Enhancing Shared Mooring SysteM Design for floating Offshore Wind Farms (ESOMOOR)

 • Novel eco-cementitious materials and components for durable, competitive, and bio-inspired offshore floating PV substructures (NATURSEA-PV)

 • Variable geometry Wave Energy Conversion system for floating platforms (WEC4MUP)

 • Dynamic behaviour analysis of a subsea manifold during installation (Manifolds)

 • Optimization of Semi-Submersible Platform hydrodynamic performance with adjustments on PTO damping and stiffness (MaRINET 2)

 • Safety system for manouvering and moored ships (Sistema de segurança para navios em manobras e amarras em portos (BlueSafePort)

 • Adaptation of a Concentric Array of Point Absorber Wave Energy Converters to a Semi-Submersible Platform (MaRINET 2)

 • Harbour protection with dual chamber oscillating water column devices (HARBOUR OWC)

 • Hydroelastic behaviour of horizontal flexible floating structures for applications to Floating Breakwaters and Wave Energy Conversions (HYDROELASTWEB)

 • Experimental simulation of oil-hydraulic Power Take-Off systems for Wave Energy Converters (HIL4PTO)

 • Simulation of manoeuvrability of ships in adverse weather conditions (NAVAD)

 • Ship Routing Accounting for Changeable Sea Conditions (ROUTING)

 • Adaptation and Implementation of Floating Wind Energy Conversion Technology for the Atlantic Region (ARCWIND)

 • Performance of combined wave and wind energy multi-use platform (MUP)

 • Elastic mooring systems for wave energy converters (ELASTMOOR)

 • Generic Hydraulic Power Take-Off System for Wave Energy Converters (GenPTO)

 • Optimizing Wave Energy Converters (OPWEC)

 • Manoeuvring & Moored Ships in Ports Physical and numerical modelling (M&M Ships)

 • Multi-Fidelity Decision making tools for Wave Energy SysTems (MIDWEST)

 • Generic hydraulic power take-off system for wave energy converters (MARINET)

 • Large Multipurpose Platforms for Exploiting Renewable Energy in Open Seas (PLENOSE)

 • Experimental and Numerical Study of Ship Responses in Waves

 • Operability and extreme loads on offshore floating wind turbines (FWT)

 • Towing dynamics of Ship in Harbour Areas (TOWING)

 • Hydrodynamic Analysis od Wave Energy Converters with Different Motion Characteristics (WAVE CONVERTERS

 • Design of Morring Systems for Floating Wave Energy Converters (MOORWEC)

 • QPP Scoping Study - Vessel Predictor Federate (VESSEL PREDICTOR)

 • Methodology for Ship Maneuvering Tests using Self-Propelles Models (Ensaios de Manobrabilidade)

 • Dynamics and Hydrodynamics of Ship in Approaching Fairways (CONFINED WATERS)

 • Virtual Reconstrution of a XVI Century Nau (NAU)

 • Analysis of the Hydrodynamics Behavious of berthing and moorinf structures. The Leixões Harbour Oil Terminal Case Study (DOLPHIN)

 • Decision Support System for the Safety of the Fishing Vessels Subjected to Waves (SADEP)

 • Dynamics of Floating Platforms and Shuttle Tanker during Offloading Operations (FNLG)

 • Mooring system design for two versions of a floating wave energy converter (MARTIFER)

 • Decision Support System for Ship Operation in Rough Weather (HANDLING WAVES)

 • Safe Offloading from Floating LNG Platforms (SAFEOFFLOAD)

 • Intelligent Simulator of Ship Manoeuvring (SIMULATOR)

 • Optimum Concept to Produce and Load with Underwater Storage (OCTOPLUS)

 • Simulation and Modelling of Active Ship Rolling Stabilisation (SHIP STABILITY)

 • Deck Wetness and Slamming in Severe Sea-States (SLAMMING)

 • Safe Floating Offshore Structures under Impact Loading of Shipped Green Water and Waves (SAFE-FLOW)

 • Rogue-Waves - Forecast and Impact on Marine Structures (MAXWAVE)

 • Manoeuvring Tests on a Catamaran Model (CATAMARAN)

 • First Principles Design for Damage Resistance against Capsize (NEREUS)

 • Advanced Method to Predict Wave Induced Loads for High Speed Ships (WAVELOADS)

 • Prediction of Ship Operationality Considering Wave Climate and Ship Behaviour (SEAKEEPING)

 • Identification and Simulation of Ship Manoeuvring Characteristics (MANOEUVRING)

 • Experimental Study of the Behaviour of Floating Production and Storage (FPSO) Vessels in Waves (FPSO in Waves)

 • Experimental Study on the Motions and Loads on Catamarans (CATAMARANS)

 • Experimental Study of Large Amplitude Motions of Containerships in Waves (Containerships in Waves)

 • Safe Passage and Navigation (SPAN)

 • Advanced Benefits for Logical VTS Equipment (COMFORTABLE)

 • Maritime Standardized Simulator Training Exercises Register (MASSTER)

 • Regional Traffic Information Service (RTIS)

Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
 • Static Equilibrium of Floating Bodies 2,3,4,5 (HYDROSTATICS)

 • Movements of Floating (PROPULSION)

 • Static Equilibrium of Floating Bodies 1 (HYDROSTATICS)

 • Concerted Action on VTMIS (VTMIS)

 • Principles of Propulsion of Sailing Vessels (SAIL)

Group of Marine Structures
R&D Projects
 • Maritime Work System Design (MARITIME)

 • Fatigue Damage of Hulls with Bow Flares Considering Slamming Loads (CSSRC)

 • Study of the behaviour of cork composites to impact (ARMORIN CORK)

 • Ship Lifecycle Software Solutions (SHIPLYS)

 • The context-aware and user-centric information distribution system for manufacturing (SENSE&REACT)

 • Materials Onboard – Steel Advancements and Integrated Composites (MOSAIC)

 • Risk-based Expert System for Through-Life Ship Structural Inspection and Maintenance New-Build Ship Structural Design (RISPECT)

 • Condition Assessment of Ageing Ship Structures (ABS)

 • European Framework for Safe, Efficient and Environmentally-Friendly Ship Operations (FLAGSHIP)

 • Effective Operation in Ports (EFFORTS)

 • Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention (ASDEPP)

 • Network of Excellence on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT)

 • Condition Assessment of Aging Ships for Real Time Structural Maintenance Decision (CAS)

 • In-Loc Id Com

 • Ship Repair to Maintain Transport which is Environmentally Sustainable (SHIPMATES)

 • Intelligent Supply Chain Management for the Enterprise (INTERMAR)

 • Tools and Routines to Assist Ports and Improve Shipping (TRAPIST)

 • Virtual Ship Model to Aid the Ship Damage Emergency Plans (VIRTUAL SHIP)

 • Life-Cycle Virtual Reality Ship System (VRSHIPS-ROPAX 2000)

 • Tools to Optimise High Speed Craft to Port Interface Concepts (TOHPIC)

 • Reliability Based Structural Design of FPSO Systems (REBASDO)

 • Crashworthy Side Structures for Improved Collision Damage Survivability of Coasters and Medium Size Ro Ro Cargo Ships (CRASHCOASTER)

 • High Tensile Steel 690 in Fast Ships Structures (FASDHTS)

 • Subsea Systems for Oil Production (CAPES)

 • Design of a Sardine Fishing Vessel for the 21st Century (FISHING VESSEL)

 • Maritime Virtual Enterprise Network (MARVIN)

 • Software Architectures for Ship Product Data Integration and Exchange (SEASPRITE)

 • Fatigue Based Design Rules for the Application of High Tensile Steels in Ships (FatHTS)

 • Stochastic Mechanics in Structures and Mechanical Engineering (STOCHASTIC)

 • Optimum Structural Design of Ship Made from Advanced Fibre Reinforced Plastic Materials (COMPOSITES)

 • Computer Graphic System for Ship Repair (Computer Graphics)

 • Measurement and Analysis of the Analysis of the Distortion of Ship Plates (Distorted Plates)

 • Reliability Methods for Ship Structural Design (SHIPREL)

 • Impact on Composite and Cellular Materials (IMPACT)

 • Composite Materials in Marine Structures and Components (COMAST)

 • Computer Aided Ship Design System (CAD-ENVC)

 • Probabilistic Based Design Rules for Ship Plates (PLATES)

 • Basis for the Development of Design Codes for Marine Structures (REGULATIONS)

Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
 • The European Maritime Virtual Institute (EVIMAR)

 • Wide Open Network for Development and Research in the Maritime Industry (WONDERMAR II)

 • Wide Open Network for Development and Research in the Maritime Industry (WONDERMAR I)

 • TransEuropean Information Dissemination on Maritime Industry Related ICT Projects (MarExpo)

 • Information Service for the European Small Boat Industry (NAUTIS)

 • Concerted Action on Short Sea Shipping (Short Sea Shipping)

 • Product Data Technology Advisory Group (PDTAG-AM)

Group of Safety and Logistics of Maritime Transportation
R&D Projects
 • International Master in Advanced Design of Sustainable Ships and Offshore Structures (EMSHIP)

 • Monitoring and surveillance of the maritime traffic in the coast of Portugal

 • Cementitious cork composites for improved thermal performance of pipelines for ultradeep waters (SUBSEAPIPE)

 • Evaluation of short sea shipping services integrated in supply chains (SHORTSEACHAIN)

 • Integrated system for traffic monitoring and maritime risk assessment (MoniRisk)

 • Reliability and Safety Engineering and Technology for large maritime engineering systems (RESET)

 • Subsea systems (SISTSUB)

 • Crew-centered Design and Operations of ships and ship systems (CYCLADES)

 • Advanced methods for reliability analysis of complex structures (ADAPTREL)

 • Coding, analysis and prevention of occupational accidents (CAPTAR)

 • Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention (ASDEPP)

 • Indicators of Occupational Health & Safety (OHS Conditions)

 • Design, Operation and Regulation for Safety (SAFEDOR)

 • Maritime Navigation and Information Services (MARNIS)

 • Safe Abandoning of Ships (Improvement of Current Life Saving Appliances Systems) (SAFECRAFTS)

 • Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures (SAFERELNET)

 • Probabilistic Rules-Based Optimal Design of Ro-Ro Passenger Ships (ROROPROB)

 • Technologies for Reduced Environment Impact for Ships (TRESHIP)

 • Casualty Analysis Methodology for Maritime Operations (CASMET)

 • Safety and Economic Assessment of Integrated Management of Multimodal Traffic in Ports (INTRASEAS)

 • Risk Analysis and Safety of Coal Supply System at Sines (EdP Risks)

 • Safety of Shipping in Coastal Waters (SAFECO)

 • Types of Work Accidents in Different Activities in Portugal (OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENTS)

 • Decision Support for Maintenance Management and Quality Control (Quality Control)

 • Optimized Fire Safety of Offshore Structures (OFSOS)

Dissemination Projects, Networks and Concerted Actions
 • The Resource Network facilitating QHSE Development for a Sustainable Energy Industry (TRENDS 2)

 • Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies (FLOODSITE)

 • The Resource Network facilitating QHSE Development for a Sustainable Energy Industry (TRENDS)

 • Floating Structures Technology Thematic Network (FLOATTECH)

 • Thematic Network on Maritime Safety (THEMES)

 • A Network on Process Safety (SAFETYNET)

 • Concerted Action on Formal Safety and Environmental Assessment (FSEA)

 • Concerted Action on Casualty Analysis Methodology (Casualty Analysis)