Group of Marine Environment

 • Ocean Engineering

 • Coastal Engineering

 • Journal of Coastal Engineering (World Science)

 • Journal of Coastal Research

 • Applied Ocean Research

 • Renewable Energy

 • Journal of Operational Oceanography (IMAREST)

 • Journal of Geophysical Research

Group of Marine Dynamics and Hydrodynamics

 • Ocean Engineering

 • Journal of Ship Research

 • Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Springer)

 • Applied Ocean Research

 • Journal of Marine Science and Application (Springer)

 • International Shipbuilding Progress

 • International Journal of Maritime Engineering (RINA)

 • Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment

Group of Marine Structures

 • Marine Structures

 • Ship and Offshore Structures

 • Engineering Structures

 • Thin-Walled Structures

 • International Journal of Impact Engineering

 • Composite Structures

 • Composites Part B: Engineering

 • Engineering Fracture Mechanics

 • International Journal of Fatigue

 • Journal of Ship Research

 • International Journal of Maritime Engineering (RINA)

 • Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment

Group of Safety and Logistics of Maritime Transportation

 • Reliability Engineering and System Safety

 • Structural Safety

 • Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

 • Risk Analysis

 • Safety Science