
Guedes Soares, C., Sebastião, P., Pilar, P. and Elavai, V. (2000), “Hindcast of the Wave Conditions on the Portuguese EEZ” (in Portuguese), The Sea and the Challenges of the Future (in Portuguese), Guedes Soares, C. and Beirão Reis, J. (Eds.), Edições Salamandra, Lda, Lisbon, pp. 37-58

Maritime agitation in some points of Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone was reconstituted to it using two models of undulation generation: a euleriano model of last generation and a lagrangeano model of second generation. They are presented resulted of the calibration of the model of second generation, e the results of the calibrated model are sufficiently satisfactory. The comparison of the forecasts of the model of second generation calibrated with the ones of the model of third generation shows a reasonable consistency. The reconstitution of the conditions of maritime agitation of the EEZ, from data of wind of the European Center it allowed to study the space variability of the conditions of maritime agitation in the EEZ.

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