
Gomes, D. and Guedes Soares, C. (1995), “Estimation of the Directional Spectrum of Sea States by the Maximum Entropy Method”, Good Sense and Sensibility - Main Principals oGood Sense and Sensability - Main Principals of Statistics (in Portuguese), Branco, J., Gomes, P. and Prata, J. (Eds.), Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Lisbon, Vol. 5, pp. 479-491

The characterization of the sea disturbances passes, among others aspects, for the knowledge of the specter of the maritime undulation. Recently, the retraction of data of maritime agitation has allowed to a descriptive study of the sea disturbances in the domains of the frequency and direction, for that one became possible esteem the specter to not only scale as also the directional specter. The esteem of the specters to scale and cross has been made through the conventional methods, in particular through the method of the Fast Transformed one of Fourier (FFT). This method presents some restricted limitations in certain way. The method of the maximum entropy, of more recent origin, it allows to exceed some of the limitations of the previous method. A brief summary of the method of Maximum Entropy as well as a confrontation will be presented enters the performance of this estimator and estimator FFT in an application the data of maritime agitation.

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