
Lee, B., Silveira, P.A.M., Loureiro, H. and Teixeira, A.P. (2022), “A framework for characterizing the marine traffic off the continental coast of Portugal using historical AIS data”, Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T.A. (Eds.), Taylor and Francis, London, UK, Vol. 2, pp. 113-120.

The paper proposes a framework to thoroughly analyze, compile and characterize the maritime traffic patterns as to further improve the ability to monitor maritime traffic, plan voyages, assess risks, and prevent accidents. The framework decodes historical Automatic Identification System messages and processes the data by an unsupervised machine-learning density-based spatial clustering algorithm combined with the Douglas-Peucker algorithm to compress the ship trajectories. Then, probabilistic methods are used to yield a set of relevant statistics that adequately characterize the routes and the vessels’ expected behavior. The framework is implemented in a software tool and tested on a historical AIS dataset to characterize the maritime traffic along the Portuguese continental coast.

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