
Gomes, A.H., Pinheiro, L.V., Fortes, C.J.E.M. and Santos, J.A. (2022), “Applying the SAFEPORT System in a storm situation”, Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T.A. (Eds.), Taylor and Francis, London, UK, Vol. 2, pp. 205-212.

This paper presents an application of the SAFEPORT safety system. It consists of a forecast and early warning system for emergency situations related to navigation, berthing, and mooring in port areas. The prototype of the system is being developed for the Port of Sines. The main objective of this paper is to describe the application of the numerical models in SAFEPORT to simulate the behavior of three different ships moored in three terminals of the Port of Sines, subjected to the sea-wave conditions of the Dora storm. The 3-day advance sea-wave forecasts provided by the WAM model were used. Tide levels and currents were obtained from the XTide model. It was concluded that the SAFEPORT system was able to forecast possible hazards and issue the expected alerts regarding the moored ships' motions and the forces on their mooring lines associated to the Dora storm.

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