
Ferrari, V., Sutulo, S. and Guedes Soares, C. (2022), “Spherical harmonic expansion of hydrodynamic hull forces”, Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T.A. (Eds.), Taylor and Francis, London, UK, Vol. 1, pp. 337-346.

This study presents a new method for modelling the hydrodynamic hull forces. The key of this new method is to express the hull forces and moments in spherical coordinates and apply the spherical harmonic expansion technique. The method is based on a sound mathematical framework, which offers some very useful properties and opens to other advanced techniques. Arguably the most useful property is that increasing the degree of approximation by adding more harmonics is guaranteed to increase the accuracy of the fit. The model generated with the spherical harmonics is robust and can cover any type of manoeuvre that the ship may perform. The fitting procedure is applied to the whole range of forces and moments at once, instead of having to separate the cases pure drift, pure rotation and combined drift and rotation. This makes the fitting much simpler than with conventional polynomial models.

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