
Sutherland, L.S., Cardoso de Brito, M., Chaves Pereira, J., Arruda, M.R. and Benson, S. (2022), “Fluid-structure interaction analyses of a composite windsurf fin”, Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T.A. (Eds.), Taylor and Francis, London, UK, Vol. 1, pp. 223-232.

Numerical structural and fluid dynamic models of a windsurf fin were developed and validated using mechanical and water tunnel tests. Then, both a ‘one-way’ analysis (not including fin deformation fluid flow effects) and a full ‘two-way’ iterative fluid-structure interaction model (including fin deformation effects) combined the two. Finally, these models were used to investigate the fin behavior and performance for a range of typical sailing velocities and leeway-angles. The more expensive two-way model was required to accurately predict the lateral ‘lift’ and vertical forces, and tip twist, but the more economical one-way model gave good estimations of the drag force (especially at lower leeway angles) and tip deflection. Vertical fin forces became significant as the fin deflects. Both composite material bend-twist coupling giving wash-in (locally higher angles of attack) at higher lateral deflections, and flow modifications due to fin deformations that give wash-out (feathering) are thought to be active.

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