
Gaspar, D., Almeida, N., Sobral, J. and Reguenga, D. (2022), “Maintenance in asset management (in Portuguese)”, Manual de Manutenção em Edificações, Flores-Colen, I., Ferreira Gomide, T.L., della Flora, S.M., (Eds.), pp. 155-173.

The slamming wave and green water impacts on a chemical tanker in abnormal head waves are investigated by analysing the experimental data from the model tests. Three real-world extreme waves, namely the New year wave, Three sisters wave and Yura wave are considered for the ship without a forward speed. The time series of the generated wave surface elevation, heave, pitch motions and the vertical bending moments amidships and the exceedance of probability of the maxima and minima are compared and analysed for the three extreme seas. The analytical distribution models, namely, the Weibull and Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution are used to fit the peaks. The time series of the slamming pressures on different locations (on the bow and stern) are discussed by studying the peaks using the analytical distribution models. The green water height and associated loading on the deck are presented and compared for the three wave conditions. Discussions are also provided for the results on slamming and green water impacts for the ship with a Froude number in the New year waves. The largest peak, the mean of 1/10th, and 1/3rd highest value of the identified peaks on the pressures are calculated from the measurements.

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