
Georgiev, P., Angelov, A. and Garbatov, Y. (2022), “Shipyard construction, repair and recycling emissions impact on environmental pollution”, 16th International Conference on Marine Sciences and Technologies (Black Sea 2022), October, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 75-86.

The study analyses the shipyard activity emissions and their impact on environmental pollution in keeping air pollution on an acceptable level for human life. Different shipyard manufacturing processes, including metal cutting, forming, welding, surface preparation, dry or wet abrasive blasting for removing the old paint and rust, repainting the hull, dismantling, and recycling the ships at the end of their service life, generate air pollutant emissions. The present study identifies the level of air pollution concentration generated from different shipyard activities and analyses how any individual activity is related to existing regulations for air pollution in the shipbuilding and repair industry. The study is conditional on the installed shipbuilding and repair technology implemented in one shipyard.

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