
Szlapczynska, J., Vettor, R., Szlapczynski, R., Lacki, M., Zyczkowski, M., Hinostroza, M.A., Santos, F.J.P., Tycholiz, W. and Guedes Soares, C. (2022), “Weather routing system architecture using onboard data collection and route optimization”, Polish Maritime Research, Vol. 29(2), pp. 87-95.

This paper describes the architecture of a weather routing system consists of two key elements: onboard monitoring and route optimizer sub-systems. The former is responsible for collecting various onboard measurements such as current ship position or ship motion variables. These data, when gathered and processed are then used, among others, for fine-tuning a ship model. The model together with weather forecasts is utilized by a multi-objective route optimizer to estimate forecasted ship responses during the voyage. The route optimizer has been developed in a client-server architecture to reallocate all necessary high-tech resources to the server side and keep the client software as simple and light as possible. The system also includes a module responsible for optimizing transmission costs to reduce the onboard transmission during the voyage. The entire solution has been deployed on-board demonstrative ship “Monte da Guia” and tested during its operations at sea.

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