
Ramos, S., Diaz, H.M., Silva, D. and Guedes Soares, C. (2021), “Levelized Cost of Energy of offshore floating wind turbines in different case scenarios of the Madeira Islands”, Developments in Maritime Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T.A., (Eds.), Taylor and Francis, London, UK, Vol 2, pp. 627-638.

One of the main energy-related challenges of Madeira Islands in the scope of EU2020 is the increase of the renewable energy electrical share in the islands up to 50%. The purpose of this paper is to carry a comparative economic assessment of deploying floating wind turbines in three different marine areas of Madeira’s coast, and for different energetic case scenarios. The wind farms are designed to produce enough offshore wind renewable energy to achieve the EU2020 objectives, and also in a 100% fossil fuel islands scenario. The evaluation is made through the spatial computation of the Levelized Cost Of Energy and the energy integration costs using the phases of their life cycle and through Geographic Information System methodologies. The results provide information on the available potential of offshore wind energy at or below a given cost in the three different marine areas.

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