
Pires da Silva, P., Sutulo, S. and Guedes Soares, C. (2021), “Local sensitivity analysis of a non-linear mathematical manoeuvring model”, Developments in Maritime Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T.A., (Eds.), Taylor and Francis, London, UK, Vol 2, pp. 217-226.

This work performs a local sensitivity analysis on a naval vessel manoeuvring mathematical model in order to identify the relevant input parameters, the force or moment coefficients, for the relevant outputs, such as yaw rate, drift, and peak overshoot. The mathematical model is solved, and the reference results are obtained. These results are compared with those obtained in sea trials for a real naval vessel in order to calibrate the mathematical model. The perturbation is induced in the external forces in surge, sway and yaw. Using a simple metric, it is possible to find and present the relevant parameters of the mathematical model for this naval ship.

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