
Lazakis, I., Bronsart, R., Caparace, J-D., Chen, Y., Georgiev, P., Ilnitskiy, I., Moro, L., Prebeg, P., Mendonça Santos, J., Sekulski, Z., Sicchiero, M., Sielski, R., Tang, W., Toyoda, M. and Varela, J. (2018), “Committee IV.2 - Design Methods”, 20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC 2018), Kaminski, M. & Rigo P. (Eds.), IOS Press Ebooks, pp. Vol 1 - 609-708 and Vol 3 - 131-158

Keywords: Design Methodology, Product Lifecycle Model, Optimization, Offshore structures, Classification Society software, Lifecycle Structural Management, CAD, Design Software

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