
Wang, Zi., Zou, Z.J. and Guedes Soares, C. (2019), “Identification of ship manoeuvring motion based on nu-support vector machine”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 183, pp. 270-281

A practical and robust system identification modelling method for ship manoeuvring motion is presented to alleviate the noise-induced problems that can cause as parameter drift and over-fitting, affecting the reliability of the model. The method is based on v(“nu”)-Support Vector Machine (v-SVM) algorithm, which can automatically control the number of support vectors to ensure the sparsity of the solution. Multiple standard manoeuvring datasets are simultaneously used as training data to cope with the parameter drift issues. The proposed method is validated by using polluted simulated data of three different levels. The results demonstrate that the identified model has good generalisation, verifying the robustness and efficiency of the algorithm.

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