
Guedes Soares, C. and Garbatov, Y. (2000), “Reliability of Maintained, Corrosion Protected Plate Subjected to Non-Linear Corrosion and Biaxial Compressive Loads”, Applications of Statistics and Probability (ICASP8-99), Melchers, R.O. and Stewart, Mark G. (Eds.), Balkema, pp. 345-352

A non-linear model is adopted to describe the time variation of the corrosion wastage in a plate. The plate is considered to be corrosion protected and corrosion will only start at a random point in time, after the protection has failed. The plate, with initial imperfections, is considered to collapse under biaxial in-plane compressive forces. The plate is subjected to inspections at fixed time intervals and will be repaired when a predefined criterion is observed. The reliability analysis of plate is carried out by using a time variant formulation including the effects of repair and maintenance actions. In addition, comparisons are made between the reliability of plates under uniaxial and biaxial compressive load and for the corrosion wastage approximated by a linear and non-linear function of time.

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