
Perera, L.P., Carvalho, J.P. and Guedes Soares, C. (2010), “Bayesian Network based sequential collision avoidance action execution for Ocean Navigational System”, Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS 2010), 15-17 September, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, pp. 301-306

This paper focuses on a study of the sequential action execution module for a collision avoidance system in ocean navigation. The decision-action process consists on a Fuzzy logic based parallel decision making module and those decisions are formulated into actions by a Bayesian network based sequential action execution module. The presented collision avoidance system is capable of making multiple sequential actions to avoid complicated collision situations evolving multiple vessels in ocean navigation while still respecting the COLREGs rules and regulations.

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