
Saad-Eldeen, S., Garbatov, Y. and Guedes Soares, C. (2017), “Strength enhancement of cracked swash bulkheads of jack-up spud-can”, Progress in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, Guedes Soares, C. & Garbatov Y. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 763-769

The aim of the present study is to analyse the effect of different retrofitting techniques in enhancing the strength of cracked swash bulkheads subjected to compressive loading. A series of finite element analyses are performed for an internal swash bulkhead of a jack-up sup can, in which several cracks were observed around the corners of the existing openings during the maintenance operations. Different reinforcement arrangements, including a collar and doubler plate are used and their effect on enhancing the stress-strain response of the swash bulkhead are analysed. Different loading conditions for which the swash bulkheads are subjected during the service life are considered. Several conclusions are stated, which may benefit the repair and maintenance of offshore jack-up rigs.

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