
Gaspar, J.F., Teixeira, A.P., Santos, A.M.P., Guedes Soares, C., Golyshev, P. and Kähler, N. (2016), “Human Centred Design of a mooring winch control station”, Maritime Technology and Engineering 3, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T. A., (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 647-654

An analysis is presented of the ship mooring deck layout and the design of a winch control station with focus on human-centred design aspects. Typical mooring equipment and operations are investigated in detail and the most critical steps during mooring operations are identified. The existing winch control stations are then analysed and design specifications of a new fixed and a portable winch control station are proposed based on guidance documents, international and industry design standards and operator’s comments and suggestions. These supporting materials are combined and structured in a step-by-step user centred design process in order to provide a preliminary design framework to designers.

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