
Uzunoglu, E. and Guedes Soares, C. (2015), “Parametric modelling of multi-body cylindrical offshore wind turbine platforms”, Maritime Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T.A. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 1185-1196

This work explains a mathematical model to facilitate the parametric preparation of cylindrical multi-body panel geometries of offshore wind turbines for WAMIT. The input data in matrix-form, translated into a panel mesh that is used to represent a number of offshore wind turbine platforms currently being evaluated. The suggested approach goes through modelling without considering the connecting braces of multi-body geometries. The mathematical model is explained through the example of a cylinder. Then, buoy forms, spars and semi-submersibles are exemplified. To validate the method, the model of a TLP platform is used and the results obtained through the presented approach are compared to previously published results.

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