
Semedo, A., Vettor, R., Breivik, O., Sterl, A., Reistad, M., Guedes Soares, C. and Lima, D. (2015), “The wind sea and swell waves climate in the Nordic Seas”, Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 65, pp. 223-240

This paper presents a detailed climatology of wind sea and swell waves in the Nordic Seas (North Sea, Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea), based on the high resolution reanalysis NORA10, developed by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. The spatial patterns of the swell dominated regional wave fields are shown to be different from the open ocean, due to coastal geometry, fetch dimensions, and island sheltering. Nevertheless swell waves are still more prevalent and carry more energy in the Nordic Seas, with the exception of the North Sea. The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the regional wind sea and swell patterns is also presented. The analysis of the decadal trends of wind sea and swell heights during the NORA10 period (1958-2001) shows that the long term trends of the total SWH (significant wave height) in the Nordic Seas are mostly due to swell and to the wave propagation effect.

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