
Faulkner, D., Guedes Soares, C. and Warwick, D.M. (1987), “Modelling Requirements for Structural Design and Assessment” , Integrity of Offshore Structures, Elsevier Applied Science, Issue 3, pp. 25 - 54

Using mathematical "models" engineers define the likely forces acting on a structural system or component and then assess its response in terms of motions and stresses. These are compared with models for limiting safety conditions such as excessive motions, fatigue or structural collapse. These analytical and numerical models should be validated against small scale or full scale test results. The paper reviews some critical aspects of the whole process including safety itself. The results from stiffened cylinder tests are compared with contemporary design codes for offshore structures. This leads to a set of reliability based criteria for strength modelling. Many of the principles established are extendable to load effect modelling. By adopting improved modelling as our knoledge base improves, cost saving of at least 30% are available to industry from improved design and from in-service decisions relating to inspection, maintenance and repair. In addition, a spin-off in improved reliability is also achieved.

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