
Guedes Soares, C., Cherneva, Z., Petrova, P.G. and Antăo, E. (2011), “Large Waves in Sea States”, Maritime Engineering and Technology, Guedes Soares et al. (Eds),Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 79-95

The work summarizes the authors’ investigations of the large waves in sea states. Data from the North Sea, the Atlantic Ocean near the Portuguese coast and during the hurricane Camille are used for the analysis. The adequacy of the first and second-order models to predict the rogue waves is validated by direct comparisons of the measured abnormal wave parameters and the theoretical predictions. It is proved that these predictions are insufficient for description of the characteristics of abnormally high waves. It is shown experimentally that the coefficient of kurtosis can be used as an indicator for the occurrence of abnormal waves. The analysis of 20 min series of sea state indicates that existing third-order models overestimate the probability of maximum waves for small coefficients of kurtosis and underestimate this probability for larger coefficients of kurtosis. It is concluded that more results for different storm conditions are needed for validation of the existing theories for maximum wave height distribution.

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