
Lucas, C., Muraleedharan, G. and Guedes Soares, C. (2012), “Assessment of Wave Height extreme Quantiles in North Atlantic using Regional Frequency Analysis”, Maritime Engineering and Technology, C. Guedes Soares, Y. Garbatov, S. Sutulo, T.A. Santos, (Eds.), Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 487-495

An approach based on L-moments is applied to the daily maximum significant wave heights of a region in the North Atlantic Ocean for the winter season in order to identify the discordant sites, formation of homogeneous regions, selection of appropriate regional frequency distributions and estimation of regional extreme quantiles. A previous study in the offshore region off Portugal demonstrated the usefulness of regional frequency analysis (RFA). This study examines the performance of RFA for estimation of regional extreme quantile as a true representative of at-site extreme quantiles. This study is applied to a larger ocean area, (40?– 60?N, -33?–-13?W), using data from a period from 1958 to 1978 (21 years) in the winter season (December to February) extracted from the HIPOCAS data base.

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