
Guedes Soares, C. (2009), “Evolution of the Design Process and the Codes of Ship Structures”, The 90th Anniversary Conference - Vision of Engineering, Fakultet Strojarstva i Brodogragnje, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 86-103

This presentation addresses the developments that have been made in the last few decades and which led to significant changes in the way that ship structures are designed and analyzed. Some important aspects discussed are the increased knowledge of the mechanics of ship behavior and the hydrodynamics associated with the assessments of the loads on ships. The increased knowledge associated with the increasingly larger computational power available had a clear impact on the analysis and design procedures. Other aspects are related with a better understanding of the nature of uncertainties and the increased widely spread knowledge on how to handle them. This lead to more sophisticated approaches to maintenance planning and its incorporation in the design studies. Better understanding of probabilistic aspects also influenced the trend to consider design for accidental situations and to give its proper treatment.

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