
Liu, B., Villavicencio, R., Liu, K., Zhu, L. and Guedes Soares, C. (2018), “Response of an aluminum stiffened plate under extreme slamming loadings”, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2018), 17-22 June, Madrid, Spain

The slamming phenomenon often occurs when the bottom of a ship hits the seawater with a relatively high velocity in irregular waves. In extreme sea conditions, the slam induced dynamic loads can be quite large resulting in local structural damages or global deformation of the panels, in particular when ships face head sea waves with high forward speed. The paper presents finite element simulations of aluminum stiffened plates subjected to extreme slamming loadings. The selected plates are commonly used for the design and construction of the hull of high-speed vessels. The simulations are performed with the explicit LS-DYNA finite element solver and analyze the large plastic deformation of the stiffened plate. The effect of the heat affected zone due to the welding is also assessed using the mechanical properties of an aluminum alloy grade 5083-H116. The outcomes of this study identify the parameters that should have practical importance when estimating the extent of structural deformation due to slamming loads

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