Group of Marine Dynamics and Hydrodynamics > 2.4 Computational Fluid Dynamics > Projects

Advanced Benefits for Logical VTS Equipment (COMFORTABLE)

Duration: 01.01.1996 – 31.12.1998 (36 months)

Coordination: Institute of Ship Operation, Maritime Transport and Simulation, Germany

Partners: Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal), VTT Manufacturing Technology (Finland), Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (France), Hochschule Wismar, Fachbereich Seefahrt Warnemuende (Germany), Polo Tecnologico Marino Marittimo (Italy), Marine Safety International Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

Funding Entity: EU - Programme TRANSPORT

Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and the management of shipping traffic generated considerable research activity in Europe in the 1980s. With the increasing introduction of advanced technology there is a need to improve understanding on the part of the VTS operator of the technical solutions offered by VTS equipment. The main objective of the project is to develop tools for VTS operators to help them recognize and assess traffic situations. In this context a support system will be developed that can assist VTS operators in their daily work at a VTS station, possibly within a Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS). Secondly, it is intended to develop conceptual tools (e.g. legal, procedural, organizational) and scenarios for simplified description of manoeuvring capabilities for use within a VTS. Thirdly, a traffic situation display for VTS will be developed.

Project Team

Associated Publications