
Experimental and Numerical Study of Ship Responses in Waves

Duration: 01.07.2013-30.06.2015 (24 months)

Coordination: Instituto Superior Técnico

Partners: Portuguese Navy

Funding Entity: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/EMS-ENE/1073/2012)

The project is aiming at the development and improvement of modeling capabilities of ship’s behavior in waves, including maneuvering characteristics, roll motion and its stabilization systems, and the establishment of a semi-empirical method and a CFD tool for accurate calculation of roll damping characteristics. For this purpose, numerical methods of prediction of ship’s motions and trajectories in waves, and roll damping currently available at Technical University of Lisbon (IST) should be calibrated and validated with experimental data, where ship’s trajectories and motions in waves will be measured along with traces of forced rolling and free decay tests in calm water of three models with the same shape but with different scales – geosims - of a Portuguese Navy frigate.

Project Team

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