"Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention"
Editor(s): Carlos Guedes Soares, CENTEC, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal; Joško Parunov, University of Zagreb, Croatia
2010, by CRC Press - 320 Pages, Hardback £93.00 ISBN 9780415584777

Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention is a collection of papers reflecting the teaching materials for a Master of Naval Architecture course developed in the European ASDEPP (Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention) project. The project was financed by the European Commission within the TEMPUS program. Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention shows recent trends and developments in Naval Architecture. It is a valuable reference source for PhD students, academics, engineers and professionals involved in design and maintenance of ships and marine structures.

Avaliable for purchase at: http://www.crcpress.com/9780415584777

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