Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.5 Modelação Geométrica de Estruturas Navais > Publicações

Hage, A., Boote, D., Bronsart, R., Chen, Q., Kada, K., Karr, D., McVee, J.D., Ulfvarson, A., Ventura, M., Wu, C-C., Yang, V. e Zhang, S.-K. (2006), “Design Methods”, Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC 2006), Frize, P. A. e Shenoi, R. A. (Eds.), 20-25 Agosto, Southampton, UK, Vol. 1, Committee IV.2, pp. 609-686

Concern for the synthesis of the overall design process for marine structures, and its integration with production, maintenance and repair. Particular attention shall be given to the roles and requirements of computer-based design and production, and to the utilization of information technology.

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