Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.5 Modelação Geométrica de Estruturas Navais > Publicações

Ventura, M. e Guedes Soares, C. (2012), “Surface Intersection in Geometric Modeling of Ships’ Hulls”, Journal of Marine science and Technology, Vol. 17, pp. 114-124

In this work a methodology is presented for the computation of the intersection of parametric surfaces, namely Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), with special attention to some specific requirements for applications to ship hull modeling. The algorithm adopted and the steps of the proposed method are described, namely checking whether the surfaces intersect, preprocessing of linear surfaces with strong discontinuities, computation of starting points, marching along intersection curves, and approximation of the intersections with NURBS curves. Finally, the results of some intersection tests are presented and discussed. The results are validated by comparison with results of commercial codes.

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