Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.3 Manobrabilidade e Controlo de Navios > Publicações

Moreira, L., Fossen, T.I. e Guedes Soares, C. (2005), “Modelling, Guidance and Control of "Esso Osaka" Model”, Proceedings of 16th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress (IFAC 2005),4-8 Julho, Prague, Chzech Republic.

A guidance and control system is introduced and applied to ship path following using two controls. The guidance system is derived through a waypoint guidance scheme based on Line-of-Sight (LOS) projection algorithm and speed is controlled by a state feedback controller. An approach concerning the calculation of a dynamic LOS vector norm is presented and the results are compared with the traditional LOS scheme. It is intended that the complete system will be implemented in a scale model of the "Esso Osaka" tanker. The results of simulations are presented here showing the effectiveness of the system.

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