Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.3 Manobrabilidade e Controlo de Navios > Publicações

Guedes Soares, C. (2012), “Challenges in Manoeuvring and Control of Ships in Waves”, University of Rijeka Scientific Colloquium 2011/2012, pp. 407-449

The probabilistic design approaches for design of wind turbines against extreme limit states is used now a days by various researchers which focus on how to model the distribution of turbine loads conditional on inflow random variables using parametric approaches. This method requires considerable amounts of turbine load simulation to estimate load statistics. So an alternative approach developed by Winterstein for establishing design loads associated with target reliability can be used, which involves the use of structural reliability techniques. The environmental contour (EC) method is one such approach that is especially easy to apply as well as efficient, and which belongs to the class of inverse reliability techniques that work by searching a narrow subset of combinations of all important random variables that affects the performance of the floating wind turbine. In the present study, environmental contour method will be applied for predicting out of plane bending moment (OoPBM) loads at the blade root and tower base moment (TBM) loads for 5 MW offshore floating wind turbine of different floater configuration. FAST code is used to simulate the wind conditions for various return periods and a brief comparison on the design loads of various floating wind turbine configuration is analyzed in detail. The present study will improve the turbine design load estimates and will be very useful in predicting accurate long-term design loads for wind turbines without requiring excessive computational effort.

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