
Chakarov, K., Garbatov, Y. e Guedes Soares, C. (2008), “Fatigue Analysis of a Ship Deck Structure Accounting for Imperfections”, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 30, pp. 1881-1897

This paper analyses the stress concentration factors of a deck structure accounting for several structural imperfections that can result from fabrication and operation. Besides the common uncertainties in fatigue ship structural analysis associated with structural modeling and with the random wave induced loading, there are also uncertainties related with the possibility of existing imperfections of structural joints. This work analyses longitudinally stiffened welded decks of a containership based on the finite element method and evaluates the hot spot stress distributions and stress concentration factors that result from different types of imperfections. The hot spot stresses and the stress concentration factors are defined at the places adjacent to the transverse weld accounting for different imperfections. The paper deals with the influence of the imperfections over the hot spot stress distribution and not with the reasons for their appearance of the imperfections.

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