
Ventura, M. e Guedes Soares, C. (2002), “Exchange and Sharing of Ship Product Data”, Proceedings of the WEGEMT, 11-15 Novembro, Madrid, Espanha

Data exchange requirements during the complete life cycle of a ship have motivated the development of international standards for ship product data modelling. The ISO 10303 standard, commonly referred to as STEP, although still under development, provides already in a usable stage some of the Application Protocols that constitute the Ship Product Model. This model will set the grounds for data sharing and exchange along the ship lifecycle. XML is an Internet based data exchange standard with increasing popularity and an extreme fast development of associated specifications and tools, but still with limited capabilities in dealing with product data. In this paper is presented a quick overview of the main features of both STEP and XML and it is discussed how the capabilities of STEP can be combined with the flexibility of XML widening the field of application of the Ship Product Model.

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