
Garbatov, Y., Rudan, S. e Guedes Soares, C. (2002), “Assessment of Geometry Correction Functions of Tanker Knuckle Details Based on Fatigue Tests and Finite-Element Analysis”, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE’02), 23-28 Junho, Oslo, Noruega, ASME, New York, Paper MAT-28422

The paper analyses the fatigue crack growth of knuckle detail typical of tankers. An approach for evaluation of the fatigue life based on fracture mechanics is presented, where a Paris-Erdogan crack-growth law is applied. A geometry correction function is determined from fatigue test data. A closed-form equation is proposed for fatigue life estimation. The results obtained from a fatigue test and the calculated fatigue lives are compared.

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