
Santos, T.A. and Guedes Soares, C. (2020), “Short sea shippking in the age of information and communications technology”, Short Sea Shipping in the Age of Sustainable Development and Information Technology, Santos, T.A. & Guedes Soares C. (Eds.), Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK , pp. 277-296

Literature on short sea shipping (SSS) lists an extensive number of areas in which information and communications technology (ICT) might assist in the promotion of SSS and, in gneneral, multimodality. Such technologies benefit not only SSS but also deep sea shipping and have the potential to cover more aspects than merely the commercial protion of specific market segments or modes of transportation. A useful systematization of ICT applications is provided by the European Parliament and Commission (2013a, 2013b), through Regulations 1315/2013 and 1316/2013, which established the trans-European transport network. This network comprises transport infrastructurres but also information and communications technology, the so-called telematic applications. The regulations indicated that these applications are necessary for optimizing traffic, transport operations and traffic safety and improving related services.

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