
Mendes, J., Carreira, A.M.P., Aleluia, M. e Mendes, J.P. (2016), “Formulating strategic problems with Systems Modeling Language”, Journal of Enterprise Transformation, Vol. 6(1), pp. 23-38

Prompted by difficulties inherent to causal analysis in problem formulation, and by a need for more formal and robust strategy and transformation design tools and frameworks, this article introduces a procedure for modeling strategic problems in the Systems Modeling Language (SysML). As a test bed for the procedure, we used the widely available Robin Hood strategic management case study. The modeling process fostered an enhanced understanding of the nature of the problem, and the resulting model proved rich and complex. The difficulties stemming from causal analysis were absent altogether, thus showing that SysML provides a good basis upon which to build a non-causal, systemic strategy and transformation design framework.

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