
Zhang, HD., Sanina, E., Babanin, A. e Guedes Soares, C. (2017), “On the analysis of 2D nonlinear gravity waves with a fully nonlinear numerical model”, Wave Motion, Vol. 70, pp. 152-165

A fully nonlinear numerical method, developed on the basis of Euler equations, is used to study the dynamics of nonlinear gravity waves applying it to the cases of Stokes wave propagation with disturbed sidebands, the evolution of one wave packet and the interaction of two wave groups. These cases have previously been studied with the higher order spectral method, which is an approximately fully nonlinear scheme, especially as the nonlinear terms are usually retained to order 3, while the present method in the case of the 2D model has an integration scheme that is exact to the computer precision. The results presented a reasonable difference between these two numerical models and it is confirmed again that this fully nonlinear model is also capable of maintaining a high accuracy and good convergence, particularly in the long-term evolution process.

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