
Ponce de Leon, S. e Guedes Soares, C. (2015), “Hindcast of the Hércules winter storm in the North Atlantic”, Natural Hazards, Vol. 78, pp. 1883-1897

The study describes the Hércules storm hindcast performed with the WAM model during one of the major cyclones that occurred in the North Atlantic in the last several years. A description of the development of a peculiar winter season in which a number of consecutive storms took place severely beating the West of Europe is provided. The performed hindcast was carefully conducted applying WAM model in combination with the reanalysis of NOAA/NCEP (CFSRv2). These results were validated against the network wave buoys of the Port of Authorities (Puertos del Estado) of Spain around the North Atlantic Spanish and Portuguese continental shelf showing a high correlation during the two months of the simulation period (1st December 2013 up to 5th February 2014). The study also determined the Benjamim-Feir index and showed that close to the Iberian Pensinsula there was a high probability of occurrence of abnormal waves generated in this storm.

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