
Silva, C.A. e Guedes Soares, C. (2014), “Sizing a fleet of containerships for a given market”, PROMET - Traffic & Transportation, Vol. 26(4), pp. 333-344

The potential growth found in the short sea shipping sector motivated the development of a methodology used as a decision support tool in which both the parameters regarding the demand of markets and the characteristics of the fleet may be tested for its evaluation. It is also possible to determine the fleet deployment, establishing its routes and scales in the ports for a particular scenario. The considered methodology may be divided in two parts, being the first one related with the generation of all feasible routes, alongside all the parameters specific to each route for each vessel class. The second part is the introduction of a linear programming model that maximizes the shipping operation’s total profit, according a given set of restrictions. The models were structured according to three main criteria: the evaluation of the fleet for each vessel’s class; the optimal route for each vessel and the frequency in each port. To provide the methodology’s validation, the developed models shall be submitted to a fictitious operational scenario, considering three different situations: the fleet’s normal operation; a parametric variation of required demand for the same fleet composition; an evaluation of several fleet compositions for the same demand level.

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