
Uzunoglu, E., Ribeiro e Silva, S., Guedes Soares, C., Zamora, R. e Perez Rojas, L. (2013), “Numerical and experimental study of the parametric rolling of a fishing vessel in regular head seas”, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, Vol. 155, pp. A-181 - A-188

The dynamic behaviour of a fishing vessel in waves is studied in order to reveal its parametric rolling characteristics. This paper presents experimental and numerical results in longitudinal regular waves. The experimental results are compared against the results of a time-domain non-linear strip theory model of ship motions in six degrees-of-freedom. These results contribute to the validation of the parametric rolling prediction method, so that it can be used as an assessment tool to evaluate both the susceptibility and severity of occurrence of parametric rolling at the early design stage of these types of vessels.

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