
Garbatov, Y. e Guedes Soares, C. (2011), “Fatigue Reliability Assessment of Welded Joints of very Fast Ferry Subjected to Combined Load”, Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles (HSMV 2011), 25-27 Maio, Nápoles, Itália

This work deals with the fatigue reliability assessment of a very fast ferry. Based on the analysis of wave and cargo induced loads the ship hull structure is evaluated. The local structure is represented by a longitudinal stiffener with a trapezoidal transverse section and the critical hot-spots and the stress distributions are defined by FEM. The fatigue damage assessment of considered hot spot is analyzed accounting for the combination of wave induced and car-breaking transient loadings. The formulation for the assessment of the welded steel joint is based on the S-N approach and FORM/SORM techniques are applied to evaluate the reliability against fatigue failure accounting for corrosion deterioration. The structural system composed by several hot spots is evaluated as a series system based on the second order bounds.

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