
Barata, J., Guedes Soares, C., Zio, E. e Marseguerra, M. (2001), “Modelling Components' Degradation Processes by Monte Carlo Simulation”, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability International Conference (ESREL'01), 16-20 Setembro, Turim, Itália, Vol. 2, pp. 879-886

The main purpose of this work is to model continuously-monitored deteriorating systems by using Monte Carlo Simulation. A non-repairable single component subjected to stochastic degradation is first considered. The modelling is then generalized to multi-component repairable systems. The effects of a preventive ‘on-condition’ maintenance strategy are investigated through the study of some desired reliability/availability characteristics. The estimation of these measures is illustrated through some numerical examples, whose results agree well reasonably with physical intuition.

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