Grupo de Segurança e Logística do Transporte Marítimo > 5.5 Segurança Industrial e Ocupacional > Publicações

Sobral, J., Serrano, E. e Ferreira, L. (2015), “Methods, techniques and tools to understand human error in industrial activities: a review”, Proceedings of the 49th ESReDA Seminar - Innovation through Human Factors in Risk Assessment and Maintenance, 29-30 October, Bruxelas, Belgium

This paper refers to human reliability analysis and deals with the human error probability. It is proved that several industrial accidents are related to some kind of human failure, sometimes with catastrophic consequences. The paper intends to make a literature revision referring important concepts about human behavior and showing how human failures can be classified based on sensorial and cognitive processes and where the man-machine interaction plays a significant role. It is very important to identify tasks, actions or activities that depend on human behavior or even determine the conditions under which the human error can be strongly affected being a source of increased risk. Focused on this objective, a set of the most important methods, techniques and tools to assess human failure (error) are referred describing individual characteristics and specificities and thus showing the potential applicability of them.

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