Grupo de Segurança e Logística do Transporte Marítimo > 5.5 Segurança Industrial e Ocupacional > Publicações

Jacinto, C. e Silva, C. (2010), “A semi-quantitative assessment of occupational risks using bow-tie representation”, Safety Science, Vol. 48, pp. 973-979

The paper firstly presents the methodology used for ship structural reliability assessment. The methodology is slightly more extensive than the one recently published by IMO (International Maritime Organization) in the document “MSC 81/INF.6 Goal based new ship construction standards, February 2006”. After that, three case studies are presented demonstrating applications of the methodology to different types of problems related to ship structures. In the first example, reliability analysis is used to quantify the safety margin between demand on the ship structure and structural capacity when new rules are applied in ship design. The second case study demonstrates an application of structural reliability in the design of an innovative ship without feedback from past experience. The last example shows how yearly failure probability may be used as a reasonable measure for classification societies and maritime authorities in the decision making process of the future of an aged oil tanker. At the end of the paper, some still unresolved issues are mentioned that could make a contribution towards a more efficient ship structural reliability assessment.

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