Grupo de Segurança e Logística do Transporte Marítimo > 5.4 Segurança Marítima e Fatores Humanos > Publicações

Antão, P., Guedes Soares, C., Fracchia, M. e Capoulade, F. (2005), “Application of the Formal Safety Assessment to the Reduction of Turn Around Time in the High Speed Craft Terminal of the Port of Nice”, Advances in Safety and Reliability (ESREL2005), Kolowrocki (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 85-93

Since the last decade that the European Union as been focusing their attention to the potential of short sea shipping, its development and promotion. High Speed Crafts (HSC) presents nowadays an increasingly more attractive option towards this objective by replacing conventional low speed crafts. It is then not surprising that many European ports due to their commercial importance or due to their tourist resorts have embraced this option. However due to the increase of demand, the safety problems related with the use of the port interfaces need to be properly addressed. The port of Nice falls in this category. Therefore in this paper it is presented the application of the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) on three concepts identified as suitable options in terms of turn around time reduction, safety and environmental aspects. The risk-reducing effect of implementing various risk control options (RCOs), were assessed with this objective namely the adoption of an Auto-Mooring system in order to reduce turn around time; Route and Speed variation within the inbound area in order to reduce wave wash and squat effects and the modification of the Port Morphology in order to reduce turn around time and risk of collision and to improve the safety.

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